The Spartacus Workout!

Tone and Fit!

I was checking my emails one day and I received one talking about the SPARTACUS WORKOUT! It seemed like a pretty hardcore workout and how can I NOT get more info about it with the word Spartacus in it? EPIC! Anyways, I looked it up and it seemed like a tough workout, but not impossible. I started last week doing it 3 times a week starting last week and I’ll keep doing it for… I don’t know… maybe 8 or 12 weeks.

Want to do it with me? Here we go!

  • Station 1: Goblet Squat.
  • Station 2: Mountain Climbers
  • Station 3: Single-arm dumbbell swing
  • Station 4: T-pushup
  • Station 5: Split Jump
  • Station 6: Dumbbell Row
  • Station 7: Dumbbell side lunge and touch
  • Station 8: Pushup-position Row (Renegade Row)
  • Station 9: Dumbbell lunge and rotation
  • Station 10: Dumbbell push press

You do as many reps as you can with perfect…

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